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隨著大數據應用面的激增, 當今的就業市場對數據科學家與資料分析師的需求正成指數型的成長中,成為最熱門的領域之一。 BD-101 大數據實驗平台系統是一台輕量化的大數據設備。相較於一般傳統的大數據設備,採用機櫃化的活動式設計,不會佔據太大的空間,也具備設備可移動性,在實際教學上充滿靈活與使用彈性,並提供迅速除錯功能,強化了設備在維護上的穩定性與方便性,更提供了完整的大數據實驗手冊,引領式的實驗設計,讓學生可以循序漸進認識整個大數據生態圈,以及如何運用各種演算法分析大數據。

Android system, mainly used on mobile devices, is an open source operation system based on Linux kernel. Android APPs, the applications mounted on the Android system, are widely developed and sed. COS-100 adopts free and open source Android SDK (Android Software Development Kit), JDK (Java  Development Kit) and clipse (Integrated Development Environment).
COS-100 offers easy-to-follow courses available for users to learn Android APP development environment setup and Android APP programming. In addition to the introduction for basic principles of the Android evelopment environment, experiments of some of APPs are also designed. Topics included in the course: understanding the Eclipse operating environment, capture of images from a USB UVC camera, discussion of the Android APP version compatibility issues, introduction and application of e-books, application of accelerometer, application of touch panel control. Moreover, ZigBee Transceiver Module and ZigBee Sensor Module are also provided for making experiments.

DGS-220 是一個用於研究整合 GPS、FTP、MQTT、TTP、TCP/IP、NMEA0183、LTE CAT4 和 3GPP 通信協議的無線通信實驗平台。

EnOcean 是一種基於能量收集的超低功耗短距離無線通信技術,EnOcean 還可以透過收集自然界的微小能量為模組提供能源,使模組做到無電池和免維護,在2012年3月,EnOcean 無線技術被國際標準 ISO/IEC 14543-3-10 批准認證。

IOT-110 是一個集合了邊緣計算,人工智慧和物聯網培訓的平台。它的系統由感測器模組,邊緣運算模組和人工智慧 (AI) 運算加速器所組成,提供的課程結構清晰,連貫,可以逐步、充分地介紹感測器,網路和應用程式的概念,有了這個系統,使用者將能夠佈署物聯網和邊緣運算的各種智慧應用程式。同時具備 16 組感測器模組中的每個模組均嵌入帶有內置掛鉤的單獨鋁製外殼中,並由一個可充電鋰電池供電,因此感測器模組可以佈署在許多不同的位置也可以佈署在展示架上。

The Internet has permeated among our daily life in every aspect, and it provides the fundamental connection with many state-of-the-art technology such as third-generation cell phones, video communication and information appliances.
The core technology of the Internet is TCP/IP protocol suite. Understanding TCP/IP protocol suite is crucial to users of the Internet at all levels, and it facilitates better application of the Internet. Internet TCP/IP Protocol Training System is designed to meet this need.
There are seven layers of OSI model and from the second to the fourth of which plays the key role in operating system kernels such as Linux and Windows which are difficult for users to understand. Internet TCP/IP Protocol Training System not only reveals the inner workings of TCP/IP protocol software, but also provides methods to modify the behavior of TCP/IP protocol software for experiment purpose.

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) 因應而生,由原本 32-bit 的位址空間 (IPv4) 擴展為 128-bit 的位址空間 (IPv6) 不但解決了位址不足的問題,亦增加了新的定址方式、較佳的路由效率及更安全的網路機制。
ITS-200 系列產品設計的目的即在於希望提供學習者一能全盤瞭解 IPv6 的規範及作業行為的實驗平台, 本實驗平台包括 ITS-201 (host:client),ITS-202 (host:server) 及 ITS-203 (router) 三種。三者不但可搭配成不同的網路拓樸進行組合實驗,亦可單獨實驗並觀察其作業行為。

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